Je T’aime, Au Revoir follows Scott (Matt Ukena), a filmmaker who came to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of making films. While auditioning for his newest film, he meets Lily (Ashley Moret), a young actress trying to make it in Hollywood. The two embark on a journey of friendship, unrequited love, jealousy, and self-realization, leaving one to say “Je T’aime, Au Revoir” (I love you, goodbye). Je T’aime, Au Revoir also co-stars Bradley Fowler, William McNamara (Chasers, Copycat), Rosa Frausto, John Rushing, and Bridget Morrissey. Shot on 16mm on a 1936 Bolex and ARRI SRII.
Genre: Romance Director: Bennie Woodell Writer: Bennie Woodell Cinematographer: Macario Cortes III Producer: Jennifer Scott Starring: Matt Ukena, Ashley Moret, Bradley Fowler, William McNamara